two boys hugging

Challenges Special Needs Parents Face

Raising a child is a blessing, but it’s also one of the most challenging things a person can do in life. It’s exhausting, all-consuming, and incredibly rewarding all at the same time. When that child has special needs, however, parents face an entirely new set of challenges. This is what special needs parents face.  Education […]

blue car in an accident

Avoiding the Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Colorado

It might seem like car accidents are an unavoidable part of life, but that isn’t always true. Aspects like distracted driving and choosing to stay under the legal alcohol limit can drastically increase your ability to remain wreck-free.  Around the country, the nation has a long list of most common accidents. Each state also includes […]


Hamed Wardak Passes the Torch to Techno Music’s Rising Star Valen of Wicked

Roots And Education Although he was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, Hamed Wardak spent most of his early years in Pakistan and the United States. He’s the son of Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak. In 1997, Hamed Wardak graduated as valedictorian from Georgetown University with a B.A. in Government and Political Theory. In the summer of […]


Things to know about Visible Wireless

Viѕiblе wireless iѕ аn intriguing wireless option if уоu’vе gоt a tаѕtе fоr lots оf LTE data but you lack thе budget fоr a highеr-рriсеd unlimitеd рlаn. Visible Wirеlеѕѕ uses Vеrizоn’ѕ nеtwоrk аnd offers a ѕаmрlе plan оf $40 a month fоr unlimitеd tаlk, tеxt, and data. Sо why рау $65 to $85 a mоnth […]


Boosting Productivity in the Office

Creativity blossoms Many remote jobs today require specialized thinking and creative disruption, especially in the marketing and communication fields. When chained to an office desk, most creative people find it difficult to come up with innovative and energizing ideas and concepts. They yearn for something as simple as taking a walk to clear their heads. […]