two drivers arguing after a car accident

What To Do If You’re Injured In A Car Accident While Travelling For Work?

You probably have enough on your plate trying to get around for your job without thinking about traffic accidents, but as Bay Area personal injury attorneys Dan Rose Law so expertly point out, the unexpected can happen at any time and it’s in your best interests to stay prepared. Furthermore, a quick look at some […]

man arranging four car tires

Pros and cons of buying OEM tires

In the auto world, OE stands for original equipment. When talking about tires, the term generally switches to OEM to include “manufacturer”. Anytime you buy a new car, the tires that comes with are considered OEM parts unless you made a different customization option.  When it’s time for you to pick up a new set […]

staging the car knocks down a pedestrian

Types of staged car accidents

Car accidents happen on a daily basis. With roughly six-million accidents each year in the United States, that makes for an average of 16,438 incidents each day. While accidents do happen, there are times when criminals create these scenarios.  It might sound insane, but staged car accidents are a major problem across the United States. […]