
3 Keys to Planning for Your Goals with a To-Do List

To-do lists can be helpful to have a clear idea of what tasks you want to achieve in a day, week, or month, especially when you already have set a SMART goal. They can help you organize your time and get things done.

Some people prefer the traditional paper list while others enjoy using digital versions, which are easy and convenient to use on smartphones and computers with internet access.

Make Your To-Do Lists Compelling and Actionable

Making your to-do lists compelling and actionable is an essential part of productivity. It can be difficult to remember what you need to do for the day, let alone know how to prioritize them. But with a few simple hacks, you can make your to-do lists more effective and manageable.

It’s important that you plan out when and where you will complete certain tasks on your list so that they are not forgotten or are put off for another day. You should also make sure that all tasks are reasonable in terms of time and expectations. If it takes more than 2 hours, it might not be worth doing it on the spot or taking up too much time.

Adding “two minute” tasks to your list is also a great idea because these quick activities can keep you focused on actually completing them.

Tips to Creating Better To-Do Lists for Better Results

1. Write down all your tasks to form a complete list of action items

Keep a list of tasks and the things that need to be done. This will help you to remember what you need to do and get it done faster.

You should also break down your tasks into smaller, manageable parts that will be easier to accomplish. These smaller parts will help you complete your task faster and more efficiently.

2. Prioritize the tasks by importance, urgency, and difficulty level

Prioritizing tasks is an essential part of work. It helps in time management and ensures that each task is given its due attention. There are three categories of tasks; important, urgent and difficult.

Important tasks are those that are usually long-term or strategic goals and often involve collaboration with other people. They need to be completed on a timely basis yet they don’t have to be done urgently at all costs.

Urgent tasks, on the other hand, are those which need to be resolved quickly or else there will be negative consequences like missed deadlines, missed opportunities, and bad outcomes. Difficult activities can also sometimes escape our attention because we often prefer to do things that come easily for us rather than things that require more effort or skill level on our part.

3. Cut out any non-essential tasks that don’t bring you closer to your goal

To be as productive as possible, it’s important to eliminate any tasks that do not bring you closer to your goal. This means that you should prioritize your tasks and only complete the ones that are necessary.

This will help with focus and save you time in the long run.


There are many ways to organize a to-do list. It may be based on categories like work, personal life, or hobby. You may decide to group tasks by importance or urgency so that they are easier for you to do in the order that you want them finished in.